syllabi, etc. posted 1-27-2016
syllabus chem 678 2016
example labs-anonymous
lab report format handout

Lectures and images from week 1 posted 1-27-2016
8-bit image lecture
images for lab report -trans light of mouse egg with gold labeled villi - fluorescent confocal of autofluor sandalwood callus - afm image of CdS nanowire with dna origami on top - same afm image of nanowire in original format

selected readings posted 2-10-2016 murphy 2nd ed

selected readings posted 2-23-2016 goldstein 3rd edition

posted 2-23-2016 Norton lectures through 2-23-2016 right click and save in a folder, then unzip to same folder, tell me if there are problems

posted 2-23-2016 digital copy of SEM lab, use diagrams straight from here for your lab report - use this to guide your report

posted 3-9-2016 confocal lab handouts to assist with lab reports - confocal lab 1 - confocal lab 2

posted 3-9-2016 LeicaSP5 materials in order of importance SP5 scan head diagram - best confocal overview from Leica - quick start guide for SP5 from Leica - good Olympus LSCM intro

- big LeicaSP5 manual





OLD - 2014 and before below

Lectures and images from week 1 posted 2-2016

OLD 2014 AFM lab materials for
afm lecture
mm8 -intro chapter 4


OLD, 2014 posted
lectures for weeks 1-7
AFM extras from Paul West of Agilent

OLD, 2014 SEM images for first SEM lab report posted
Reed lab supplied Silicon chips with Au microwires (made by photolithography) and Au nanowires (made by ebeam lithography)

Al sample stub for discussion of contrast and resolution