The Ohio River Basin Fish Habitat Partnership

Started in 2001, The National Fish Habitat Action Plan (NFHAP) was modeled after the successful North American Waterfowl Management Plan. It's goal  is to allow regional partnerships to use resources to concentrate on critical fish habitat in their area. To learn more about the NFHAP click here.  NFHAP calls for a series of partnerships around important aquatic habitats and/or distinct geographic areas.  For more information on current partnerships click here.  Currently, there are fourteen additional "candidate" partnerships.   For a listing of these "candidateships" click here.  The Ohio River Basin Fish Habitat Partnership is one of the current "candidate" partnerships.  We hope to become a full partnership in the near future.  Our geographic area is the Ohio River Watershed.  We are currently funded to more fully develop our partnership through a series of meetings.  These meetings include stakeholders throughout the watershed, including 13 states and multiple regulatory agencies, conservation organizations, industry representatives, and non-government organizations (NGO's).    

Mission of the ORB

The Ohio River Basin Fish Habitat Partnership seeks to promote diverse aquatic communities and their role in maintaining  water quality and healthy fish populations through voluntary grass-roots based improvements in watershed management and in-stream habitat conservation, for the betterment of the American people


Click Above to view ORB flier

Ohio River Basin Fish Habitat Partnership News
 Plain Pocketbook   Lampsilis cardium   Variegate Darter  Etheostoma variatum

Ohio River Main Stem


 Blacknose Dace Rhinichthys atratus  Spiny River Snail (Io fluvialis)


Guiding Principles of the Partnership

Restore physical watershed and stream health for the betterment of aquatic species and those who use these resources for recreation, subsistence, and/or drinking water.
Focal Watersheds will be determined by identifying the present and historical extent of select fish species and conserving habitat sufficient to maintain self sustaining populations.
Through targeting restoration of watersheds/streams that support fish habitat and restoration of these populations using propagation and other techniques, we can have an expedited and larger reaching impact on all aquatic resources in that watershed and down stream.



Musky, New River, VA Flathead Catfish, Ohio River WV

The Rusty Crayfish Orconectes rusticus Shovelnose Sturgeon (Scaphirhynchus platorynchus) carcass from the lower Ohio River

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