Mindy Yeager-Armstead, Ph.D. Associate Professor Integrated Science and Technology
Contact Information Office: WAEC 2223 Lab: WAEC 2220 Phone: 304 696 2923 Email: m.armstead@marshall.edu
Education History Ph.D. Virginia Tech, Biology Department with emphasis in Aquatic Ecotoxicology (Dec. 1994) M.S. Marshall University, Biology with emphasis in Aquatic Ecology (May 1991) B.S. biology, university of Charleston, Charleston, West Virginia (May 1987)
Interests and Expertise My interests primarily focus of effects of human disturbance on aquatic ecosystems. This can include physical disturbances (i.e. sedimentation, habitat loss), chemical disturbances (i.e. industrial point sources, chemical spills) or biological disturbances (i.e. invasive species, disease). We use habitat evaluations, water chemistry, laboratory toxicity tests, and field evaluations to determine community effects on algal, benthic macroinvertebrate and fish communities. My interest in West Virginia streams, and the Appalachian Region, stems not only from the unique diversity and importance of the region but because I grew up here and these are the systems I most enjoy. I am happy to have joined Marshall University in 2012 and have the ability to pursue my interests. Prior to joining the academic team, I worked as an environmental consultant in the region. I think this experience is a vital asset to students; allowing me to offer a balance of real-world experience with the educational experience.